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#397 Hoarse from Yelling

Hoarse from Yelling
March 5th, 2007

Rate Thinkin' Lincoln Comics!

Hey everyone! As some people who checked out the site this weekend already know, I've added a little rating thing below each comic! Now you can let me know how good you think each comic is! That way I get some feedback on what people like from my comic (it's already interesting to see what scores comics are getting just from this weekend), and if I ever want to make some kind of "best of" or at least "most popular" collection or something, well I will have data for that. I have also been thinking of making a page for people who are new to the site to check out, and it'd be good to have a most popular comics thing on there too.

So please everyone! Rate my comics! And be honest — I can take it. :)

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