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#440 Bus Encounters of the Third Kind

Bus Encounters of the Third Kind
May 16th, 2007

The Else

They Might Be Giants' new album, The Else, just came out yesterday on iTunes! (Link opens the program.) It's actually exclusive on iTunes right now, and doesn't come out on CD until July 10th I think.

Anyway, it's pretty dang good. It has several tracks I really love, and none I hate. A few are sorta middling I think, but if that's the worst the album's got, it's in pretty good shape. There's a track-by-track review up here at a site called Critical Hits, but I basically disagree with everything in it. The track they say is the best (With the Dark) is definitely one of the weakest on the album, and while they gloss over Upside Down Frown, it's far and away my favorite. Oh well, "opinions" I guess!

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