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#862 Abe Lincoln's Funtime Robot Band

Abe Lincoln's Funtime Robot Band
April 1st, 2009

Metric - Fantasies

Metric's new album just came out! Well, the CD isn't out for 2 more weeks, but you can get it on MP3 on their site or on iTunes right now. I pre-ordered a couple weeks ago and just downloaded it. I like it a bunch so far! If you liked their last 2 albums, I think you will like this one as well. I noticed on the version I downloaded from their site has a different picture instead of the album cover on each track. It's sort of like liner notes, which is pretty cool.

ALSO: I've updated the site to have navigation above the comic, so you don't have to scroll to below the comic to go back and forward. Let me know if you notice any problems with it!

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